The Quality Standards of Choosing Home Interior design elements and its relationship to Residential satisfaction for Newly Married Women

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Family and Childhood Institutions Management and former head of the department- Faculty of Home Economics- Helwan University

2 Professor of Curriculum and Teaching Methods and former Department Head- Faculty of Specific Education -South Valley University

3 Lecturer in the Department of Home Economics – Faculty of Specific Education –South Valley University


The study aims to identify the nature of the relationship between quality standards in choosing elements of design of a home and residential satisfaction on a sample of newly married women, The study followed the descriptive analytical approach , and the study sample consisted of (200) newly married woman from different economic and social levels from Qena governorate. The study tools included a general information questionnaire for newly married women, a questionnaire for quality standards in choosing interior design elements for a home and a housing satisfaction questionnaire, The results of the study resulted in statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level in all aspects of the questionnaire for the quality standards of selecting elements of the interior design of the dwelling and the questionnaire as a whole, according to the difference in both (the age of the spouses- the duration of married life- the place of residence) respectively in favor of the age group over 33years old, in favor of the period from (4years to less than 5years), in favors of urban areas, there are statistically significant differences at the level of 0.05 in all axes of the housing satisfaction questionnaire as a whole according to the difference(age of the spouses- duration of married life- place of residence) in favor of the age group older than 33years, in favor of the period from (4years to less than 5years), in favors of urban areas, the existence of a positive correlation with statistical significance between the quality standards for choosing interior design elements(dimensions)and residential satisfaction (dimensions).


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